This executable allow you to make a rendered 8-bit rgb image using any input bands.
Build all executables from the installation folder with:
./colorize <outputPath> -r=<redPath> -g=<greenPath> -b=<bluePath>
You can set each band individually with the "-r=" "-g=" "-b=" parameters. Each input file is expected to be uint16_t type with one greyscale band. At minumum you need to designate one band and the others will default to zeros (with the exception of the borders option listed below).
Optionally add "-borders=<bordersPath>" to render a background on the output image. If a vector file is specified this will rasterize the vector objects as grey (50,50,50) (this may take a long time). It will be more efficient to output a background tif for future use with:
./colorize borders.tif -borders=borders.shp
Then you can use this tif in the future by specifying the tif instead of the vector file
./colorize <outputPath> -r=<redPath> -g=<greenPath> -b=<bluePath> -borders=borders.tif
Optionally add "-stretch=<coefficient>" to adjust the output stretch
By default, colorize will measure the max 16-bit value in the buffer and render to 8-bit using the ratio of each value to the max, scaled to the 8-bit range. Optionally, you can also use the stretch coefficient to stretch the values by simply multiplying the each value by the coefficient. For example:
//double all the values -stretch=2
Colorize will create an image something like:
In this example, we color the appearances from a vector archive green, and derive the time span of the collections using vectorTimes with the -range parameter and cast the orbits for that time period blue. Additionally, we selected the basemap.tif in the data folder as the borders image colored in grey (fill:50,50,50 ; borders:100,100,100).
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