BusBoy  2
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Classes | Functions | Variables
BUSBOY Namespace Reference

Copyright 2014 Google Inc. More...


class  Algorithm
 Algorithm developers must extend this class to implement an algorithm. More...
class  AlgorithmAutoRegister
 Registers an algorithm upon instantiation. More...
class  AlgorithmConfig
 A map of configuration properties passed to an algorithm. More...
class  AlgorithmData
 Root object for access to all data used by an executing algorithm. More...
class  AlgorithmRegistry
 Singleton that holds a mapping of names to algorithms. More...
class  AlgorithmRunner
class  DimensionCatalog
 Catalog of standard dimensions. More...
class  ImageTypes
 Catalog of standard dimensions. More...
class  AlgorithmContext
 Provides algorithms with access to various services provided by the framework. More...
class  Logger
 Class to extend to receive log messages. More...
class  Message
class  MessageConsumer
 Class to extend to receive messages sent to topics. More...
class  ProgressReporter
 Class to extend to receive progress messages. More...
class  DataFile
 Content of a file. More...
class  DataFileSink
class  DataFileSource
class  Dataset
 A Dataset is a bundle of conceptually related files and metadata. More...
class  DatasetContext
class  LocalDataFileSink
class  LocalDataFileSource
class  LocalTempFile
 Manages storage of a temp file on local disk. More...
class  RandomAccessFile
 File that allows arbitrary movement of the file pointer. More...
class  SimpleDataFileSource
class  WritableRandomAccessFile
class  Error
class  ErrorReporter
class  JsonErrorSerializer
class  ExternalAlgorithm
class  ExternalAlgorithmData
class  ExternalAlgorithmDataSerializer
class  ExternalAlgorithmSerializer
class  ExternalContext
class  ExternalDataFile
class  ExternalDataFileSink
class  ExternalDataFileSource
class  ExternalDataset
class  ExternalDatasetContext
class  ExternalDatasetSerializer
class  ExternalEntry
class  ExternalRandomAccessFile
class  ExternalRandomAccessFileSink
class  ExternalRandomAccessFileSource
class  DataKey
 A key includes zero or one elements in each dimension. More...
class  DataKeyBuilder
 Use this class to build up a key step-by-step. More...
class  DataKeyDimension
 Represents a dimension for data, such as sensors, frames, etc. More...
class  DataKeyElement
 Represents one element of a data key, such as a specific frame. More...
class  Keyspace
 A Keyspace captures all the elements that are present in the datasets passed to an algorithm. More...
class  KeyspaceBuilder
 Use this class to build up a keyspace from a bunch of keys. More...
class  KeyspaceDimension
 What elements are included in the keyspace for a given dimension. More...
class  MetadataArray
 An array of primitive values of a single type. More...
class  MetadataElement
 Base class for the different types of metadata. More...
class  CloneableMetadataElement
 Base class for types of metadata that may be cloned. More...
class  MetadataField
 A single primitive value. More...
class  MetadataKey
 Thin wrapper to allow DataKey to be a piece of metadata. More...
class  MetadataList
 A sequential list of arbitrary metadata elements. More...
class  MetadataMap
 A map of names to arbitrary metadata elements. More...
class  Primitive
 Enumeration and utilities for the primitive types in fields and arrays. More...
class  AlgorithmConfigSerializer
class  AlgorithmSerializer
class  DatasetSerializer
class  JanssonUtil
class  JsonAlgorithmConfigSerializer
class  JsonAlgorithmSerializer
class  JsonCommonSerializer
class  JsonDatasetSerializer
class  JsonKeyspaceSerializer
class  JsonPropertiesSerializer
class  JsonSerializerFactory
class  KeyspaceSerializer
class  PropertiesSerializer
class  Serializer
class  SerializerFactory
class  SerializerRegistry
 Singleton that holds a mapping of content types to serializers that can handle those content types. More...
class  BusboyEnvironment
 Singleton for managing environmental properties. More...
class  BusboyLogging
class  BusboyTempFiles
 Singleton for managing environmental properties. More...
class  IOUtil
class  Properties
 Replicates some of the functionality of Java's Properties class. More...
class  StackUtil
class  AlgorithmImpl
class  AlgorithmConfigImpl
class  AlgorithmDataImpl
class  AlgorithmRegistryImpl
class  AlgorithmRunnerImpl
class  DimensionCatalogImpl
class  ImageTypesImpl
class  AlgorithmContextAlgoLogger
class  AlgorithmContextImpl
class  LogLevels
class  MessageImpl
class  DataFileImpl
class  DatasetImpl
class  LocalDataFileSinkImpl
class  LocalDataFileSourceImpl
class  LocalTempFileImpl
class  SimpleDataFileSourceImpl
class  ErrorSeverities
class  ErrorImpl
class  ErrorReporterImpl
class  JsonErrorSerializerImpl
class  ExternalAlgorithmImpl
class  ExternalAlgorithmDataImpl
class  ExternalAlgorithmDataSerializerImpl
class  ExternalAlgorithmSerializerImpl
class  ExternalContextImpl
class  ExternalDataFileImpl
class  ExternalDataFileSinkImpl
class  ExternalDataFileSourceImpl
class  ExternalDatasetImpl
class  ExternalDatasetContextImpl
class  ExternalDatasetSerializerImpl
class  ExternalRandomAccessFileImpl
class  ExternalRandomAccessFileSinkImpl
class  DataKeyImpl
class  DataKeyBuilderImpl
class  DataKeyDimensionImpl
class  DataKeyElementImpl
class  KeyspaceImpl
class  KeyspaceBuilderImpl
class  KeyspaceDimensionImpl
class  MetadataArrayImpl
class  MetadataTypes
class  MetadataFieldImpl
class  MetadataKeyImpl
class  MetadataListImpl
class  MetadataMapImpl
class  PrimitiveImpl
class  JsonAlgorithmConfigSerializerImpl
class  JsonAlgorithmSerializerImpl
class  JsonDatasetSerializerImpl
class  JsonKeyspaceSerializerImpl
class  JsonPropertiesSerializerImpl
class  JsonSerializerFactoryRegister
class  SerializerRegistryImpl
class  EnvSets
class  BusboyEnvironmentImpl
class  BusboyLoggingImpl
class  BusboyTempFilesImpl
class  PropertiesImpl


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Message &msg)
bool operator== (const DataFileSource &src1, const DataFileSource &src2)
 Compare the content of two sources. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Error &error)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const DataKey &key)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const DataKeyDimension &dim)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const DataKeyElement &element)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Keyspace &keyspace)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const KeyspaceDimension &ksd)
template<typename T >
void copyArray (const T *src, T *dest, size_t size)
 Copy an array into space allocated by the caller. More...
template<typename T >
T * copyArray (const T *src, size_t size)
 Copy an array into space allocated by this method. More...
template<typename T >
bool compareArray (const T *arr1, const T *arr2, size_t size)
 Memberwise array comparison of arrays known to be the same size. More...
template<typename T >
bool comparePointers (const T *p1, const T *p2)
 Helper method for compareVectorOfPointers. More...
template<typename T >
bool compareVectorsOfPointers (const std::vector< T * > vector1, const std::vector< T * > vector2)
 Operator== for vectors where the elements are pointers. More...
template<typename V >
void deleteVectorOfPointers (std::vector< V * > &vector)
 Deletes all the values in a vector of pointers. More...
template<typename K , typename V >
bool comparePointerPairs (const std::pair< K, V * > &pair1, const std::pair< K, V * > &pair2)
 Helper method for compareMapOfPointers. More...
template<typename K , typename V >
bool compareMapsOfPointers (const std::map< K, V * > map1, const std::map< K, V * > map2)
 Operator== for maps where the elements are pointers. More...
template<typename K , typename V >
void deleteMapOfPointers (std::map< K, V * > &map)
 Deletes all the values in a map of pointers. More...
template<typename K , typename V >
std::set< K > keySet (const std::map< K, V > &map)
 Returns all the keys in a map. More...
template<typename K , typename V >
void mapAddAll (std::map< K, V > *map1, const std::map< K, V > &map2)
 Add contents of map2 to map1, updating map1. More...
template<typename T >
std::string vectorToString (const std::vector< T > &vec, const std::string &delim)
 Converts a vector to a delimited string. More...
template<typename T >
std::string setToString (const std::set< T > &set, const std::string &delim)
 Converts a set to a delimited string. More...
template<typename InputIterator >
std::string containerToString (const InputIterator begin, const InputIterator end, const std::string &delim)
 Converts elements between begin and end to a delimited string. More...
template<typename T >
std::vector< T > setToVector (const std::set< T > &set)
 Converts a set to a vector using the natural set ordering. More...
ExternalDatasetSerializerbuildDatasetSerializer ()
ExternalAlgorithmDataSerializerbuildAlgoDataSerializer ()
ExternalAlgorithmSerializerbuildAlgorithmSerializer ()
template std::string Primitive::toString< std::string > (const std::string &val)
template std::string Primitive::fromString< std::string > (const std::string &str)
template void Primitive::toString< std::string > (const std::string *vals, std::string *strs, size_t size)
template void Primitive::fromString< std::string > (const std::string *strs, std::string *vals, size_t size)
std::string jsonTypeEnumToString (int type)


JsonSerializerFactoryRegister jsonSerializerFactoryRegister

Detailed Description

Copyright 2014 Google Inc.

All rights reserved.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Function Documentation

ExternalAlgorithmDataSerializer* BUSBOY::buildAlgoDataSerializer ( )
ExternalAlgorithmSerializer* BUSBOY::buildAlgorithmSerializer ( )
ExternalDatasetSerializer* BUSBOY::buildDatasetSerializer ( )
template<typename T >
bool BUSBOY::compareArray ( const T *  arr1,
const T *  arr2,
size_t  size 

Memberwise array comparison of arrays known to be the same size.

template<typename K , typename V >
bool BUSBOY::compareMapsOfPointers ( const std::map< K, V * >  map1,
const std::map< K, V * >  map2 

Operator== for maps where the elements are pointers.

The elements comparison will compare the dereferenced pointers

template<typename K , typename V >
bool BUSBOY::comparePointerPairs ( const std::pair< K, V * > &  pair1,
const std::pair< K, V * > &  pair2 

Helper method for compareMapOfPointers.

template<typename T >
bool BUSBOY::comparePointers ( const T *  p1,
const T *  p2 

Helper method for compareVectorOfPointers.

template<typename T >
bool BUSBOY::compareVectorsOfPointers ( const std::vector< T * >  vector1,
const std::vector< T * >  vector2 

Operator== for vectors where the elements are pointers.

The elements comparison will compare the dereferenced pointers

template<typename InputIterator >
std::string BUSBOY::containerToString ( const InputIterator  begin,
const InputIterator  end,
const std::string &  delim 

Converts elements between begin and end to a delimited string.

The elements must implement operator<<

template<typename T >
void BUSBOY::copyArray ( const T *  src,
T *  dest,
size_t  size 

Copy an array into space allocated by the caller.

template<typename T >
T* BUSBOY::copyArray ( const T *  src,
size_t  size 

Copy an array into space allocated by this method.

The array is allocated with new[]. Caller is responsible for disposing with delete[].

template<typename K , typename V >
void BUSBOY::deleteMapOfPointers ( std::map< K, V * > &  map)

Deletes all the values in a map of pointers.

template<typename V >
void BUSBOY::deleteVectorOfPointers ( std::vector< V * > &  vector)

Deletes all the values in a vector of pointers.

std::string BUSBOY::jsonTypeEnumToString ( int  type)
template<typename K , typename V >
std::set<K> BUSBOY::keySet ( const std::map< K, V > &  map)

Returns all the keys in a map.

C++ equivalent of java.util.Map.keySet()

template<typename K , typename V >
void BUSBOY::mapAddAll ( std::map< K, V > *  map1,
const std::map< K, V > &  map2 

Add contents of map2 to map1, updating map1.

If a key already exists in map1, it is updated to the value from map2

std::ostream & BUSBOY::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const DataKeyDimension &  dim 
std::ostream & BUSBOY::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Message &  msg 
std::ostream & BUSBOY::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const DataKeyElement &  element 
std::ostream & BUSBOY::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const KeyspaceDimension &  ksd 
std::ostream & BUSBOY::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Error &  error 
std::ostream & BUSBOY::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Keyspace &  keyspace 
std::ostream & BUSBOY::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const DataKey &  key 
bool BUSBOY::operator== ( const DataFileSource &  src1,
const DataFileSource &  src2 

Compare the content of two sources.

This is only a valid comparison if both sources have not been released. An exception will be thrown if either has been released

template std::string BUSBOY::Primitive::fromString< std::string > ( const std::string &  str)
template void BUSBOY::Primitive::fromString< std::string > ( const std::string *  strs,
std::string *  vals,
size_t  size 
template std::string BUSBOY::Primitive::toString< std::string > ( const std::string &  val)
template void BUSBOY::Primitive::toString< std::string > ( const std::string *  vals,
std::string *  strs,
size_t  size 
template<typename T >
std::string BUSBOY::setToString ( const std::set< T > &  set,
const std::string &  delim 

Converts a set to a delimited string.

The elements must implement operator<<

template<typename T >
std::vector<T> BUSBOY::setToVector ( const std::set< T > &  set)

Converts a set to a vector using the natural set ordering.

template<typename T >
std::string BUSBOY::vectorToString ( const std::vector< T > &  vec,
const std::string &  delim 

Converts a vector to a delimited string.

The elements must implement operator<<

Variable Documentation

JsonSerializerFactoryRegister BUSBOY::jsonSerializerFactoryRegister

Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.