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setuptools.command.setopt.setopt Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for setuptools.command.setopt.setopt:
setuptools.command.setopt.option_base setuptools.Command

Public Member Functions

def initialize_options
def finalize_options
def run
- Public Member Functions inherited from setuptools.command.setopt.option_base
def initialize_options
def finalize_options
- Public Member Functions inherited from setuptools.Command
def __init__
def reinitialize_command

Public Attributes

- Public Attributes inherited from setuptools.command.setopt.option_base

Static Public Attributes

string description = "set an option in setup.cfg or another config file"
list user_options
list boolean_options = option_base.boolean_options+['remove']
- Static Public Attributes inherited from setuptools.command.setopt.option_base
list user_options
list boolean_options
- Static Public Attributes inherited from setuptools.Command
 command_consumes_arguments = False

Detailed Description

Save command-line options to a file

Member Function Documentation

def setuptools.command.setopt.setopt.finalize_options (   self)
def setuptools.command.setopt.setopt.initialize_options (   self)
def setuptools.command.setopt.setopt.run (   self)

Member Data Documentation

list setuptools.command.setopt.setopt.boolean_options = option_base.boolean_options+['remove']
string setuptools.command.setopt.setopt.description = "set an option in setup.cfg or another config file"
list setuptools.command.setopt.setopt.user_options
Initial value:
1 = [
2  ('command=', 'c', 'command to set an option for'),
3  ('option=', 'o', 'option to set'),
4  ('set-value=', 's', 'value of the option'),
5  ('remove', 'r', 'remove (unset) the value'),
6  ]

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