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Classes | Functions
encodings.quopri_codec Namespace Reference


class  Codec
class  IncrementalEncoder
class  IncrementalDecoder
class  StreamWriter
class  StreamReader


def quopri_encode
def quopri_decode
def getregentry

Detailed Description

Codec for quoted-printable encoding.

Like base64 and rot13, this returns Python strings, not Unicode.

Function Documentation

def encodings.quopri_codec.getregentry ( )
def encodings.quopri_codec.quopri_decode (   input,
  errors = 'strict' 
Decode the input, returning a tuple (output object, length consumed).

errors defines the error handling to apply. It defaults to
'strict' handling which is the only currently supported
error handling for this codec.
def encodings.quopri_codec.quopri_encode (   input,
  errors = 'strict' 
Encode the input, returning a tuple (output object, length consumed).

errors defines the error handling to apply. It defaults to
'strict' handling which is the only currently supported
error handling for this codec.

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