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pip._vendor.distlib.util Namespace Reference


class  cached_property
class  FileOperator
class  ExportEntry
class  Cache
class  EventMixin
class  Sequencer
class  Progress
class  HTTPSConnection
class  HTTPSHandler
class  HTTPSOnlyHandler
class  HTTP
class  HTTPS
class  Transport
class  SafeTransport
class  ServerProxy
class  CSVBase
class  CSVReader
class  CSVWriter
class  Configurator
class  SubprocessMixin


def parse_requirement
def get_resources_dests
def in_venv
def get_executable
def proceed
def extract_by_key
def read_exports
def write_exports
def tempdir
def chdir
def socket_timeout
def convert_path
def resolve
def get_export_entry
def get_cache_base
def path_to_cache_dir
def ensure_slash
def parse_credentials
def get_process_umask
def is_string_sequence
def split_filename
def get_extras
def _get_external_data
def get_project_data
def get_package_data
def unarchive
def zip_dir
def iglob
def _iglob
def _csv_open


tuple logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
string COMMA = r'\s*,\s*'
tuple COMMA_RE = re.compile(COMMA)
string IDENT = r'(\w|[.-])+'
string EXTRA_IDENT = r'(\*|:(\*|\w+):|'
string VERSPEC = IDENT+r'\*?'
string RELOP = '([<>=!~]=)|[<>]'
string DIRECT_REF = '(from\s+(?P<diref>.*))'
string EXTRAS = r'\[\s*(?P<ex>'
string RELOP_IDENT = '(?P<op>'
tuple RELOP_IDENT_RE = re.compile(RELOP_IDENT)
tuple ENTRY_RE
tuple PYTHON_VERSION = re.compile(r'-py(\d\.?\d?)')
tuple d = m.groupdict()
tuple UNITS = ('', 'K', 'M', 'G','T','P')
tuple RICH_GLOB = re.compile(r'\{([^}]*)\}')
tuple _CHECK_RECURSIVE_GLOB = re.compile(r'[^/\\,{]\*\*|\*\*[^/\\,}]')
tuple _CHECK_MISMATCH_SET = re.compile(r'^[^{]*\}|\{[^}]*$')
list _ver_info = sys.version_info[:2]

Function Documentation

def pip._vendor.distlib.util._csv_open (   fn,
def pip._vendor.distlib.util._get_external_data (   url)
def pip._vendor.distlib.util._iglob (   path_glob)
def pip._vendor.distlib.util.chdir (   d)
def pip._vendor.distlib.util.convert_path (   pathname)
Return 'pathname' as a name that will work on the native filesystem.

The path is split on '/' and put back together again using the current
directory separator.  Needed because filenames in the setup script are
always supplied in Unix style, and have to be converted to the local
convention before we can actually use them in the filesystem.  Raises
ValueError on non-Unix-ish systems if 'pathname' either starts or
ends with a slash.
def pip._vendor.distlib.util.ensure_slash (   s)
def pip._vendor.distlib.util.extract_by_key (   d,
def pip._vendor.distlib.util.get_cache_base (   suffix = None)
Return the default base location for distlib caches. If the directory does
not exist, it is created. Use the suffix provided for the base directory,
and default to '.distlib' if it isn't provided.

On Windows, if LOCALAPPDATA is defined in the environment, then it is
assumed to be a directory, and will be the parent directory of the result.
On POSIX, and on Windows if LOCALAPPDATA is not defined, the user's home
directory - using os.expanduser('~') - will be the parent directory of
the result.

The result is just the directory '.distlib' in the parent directory as
determined above, or with the name specified with ``suffix``.
def pip._vendor.distlib.util.get_executable ( )
def pip._vendor.distlib.util.get_export_entry (   specification)
def pip._vendor.distlib.util.get_extras (   requested,
def pip._vendor.distlib.util.get_package_data (   name,
def pip._vendor.distlib.util.get_process_umask ( )
def pip._vendor.distlib.util.get_project_data (   name)
def pip._vendor.distlib.util.get_resources_dests (   resources_root,
Find destinations for resources files
def pip._vendor.distlib.util.iglob (   path_glob)
Extended globbing function that supports ** and {opt1,opt2,opt3}.
def pip._vendor.distlib.util.in_venv ( )
def pip._vendor.distlib.util.is_string_sequence (   seq)
def pip._vendor.distlib.util.parse_credentials (   netloc)
def pip._vendor.distlib.util.parse_requirement (   s)
def pip._vendor.distlib.util.path_to_cache_dir (   path)
Convert an absolute path to a directory name for use in a cache.

The algorithm used is:

#. On Windows, any ``':'`` in the drive is replaced with ``'---'``.
#. Any occurrence of ``os.sep`` is replaced with ``'--'``.
#. ``'.cache'`` is appended.
def pip._vendor.distlib.util.proceed (   prompt,
  error_prompt = None,
  default = None 
def pip._vendor.distlib.util.read_exports (   stream)
def pip._vendor.distlib.util.resolve (   module_name,
def pip._vendor.distlib.util.socket_timeout (   seconds = 15)
def pip._vendor.distlib.util.split_filename (   filename,
  project_name = None 
Extract name, version, python version from a filename (no extension)

Return name, version, pyver or None
def pip._vendor.distlib.util.tempdir ( )
def pip._vendor.distlib.util.unarchive (   archive_filename,
  format = None,
  check = True 
def pip._vendor.distlib.util.write_exports (   exports,
def pip._vendor.distlib.util.zip_dir (   directory)
zip a directory tree into a BytesIO object

Variable Documentation

tuple pip._vendor.distlib.util._CHECK_MISMATCH_SET = re.compile(r'^[^{]*\}|\{[^}]*$')
tuple pip._vendor.distlib.util._CHECK_RECURSIVE_GLOB = re.compile(r'[^/\\,{]\*\*|\*\*[^/\\,}]')
list pip._vendor.distlib.util._ver_info = sys.version_info[:2]
tuple pip._vendor.distlib.util.ARCHIVE_EXTENSIONS
Initial value:
1 = ('.tar.gz', '.tar.bz2', '.tar', '.zip',
2  '.tgz', '.tbz', '.whl')
tuple pip._vendor.distlib.util.BARE_CONSTRAINTS
Initial value:
1 = ('(' + RELOP + r')?\s*(' + VERSPEC + ')(' + COMMA + '(' +
2  RELOP + r')\s*(' + VERSPEC + '))*')
string pip._vendor.distlib.util.COMMA = r'\s*,\s*'
tuple pip._vendor.distlib.util.COMMA_RE = re.compile(COMMA)
tuple pip._vendor.distlib.util.CONSTRAINTS
Initial value:
1 = (r'\(\s*(?P<c1>' + BARE_CONSTRAINTS + '|' + DIRECT_REF +
2  r')\s*\)|(?P<c2>' + BARE_CONSTRAINTS + '\s*)')
tuple pip._vendor.distlib.util.d = m.groupdict()
string pip._vendor.distlib.util.DIRECT_REF = '(from\s+(?P<diref>.*))'
tuple pip._vendor.distlib.util.ENTRY_RE
Initial value:
1 = re.compile(r'''(?P<name>(\w|[-.])+)
2  \s*=\s*(?P<callable>(\w+)([:\.]\w+)*)
3  \s*(\[\s*(?P<flags>\w+(=\w+)?(,\s*\w+(=\w+)?)*)\s*\])?
4  ''', re.VERBOSE)
string pip._vendor.distlib.util.EXTRA_IDENT = r'(\*|:(\*|\w+):|'
string pip._vendor.distlib.util.EXTRA_LIST = EXTRA_IDENT+'('
string pip._vendor.distlib.util.EXTRAS = r'\[\s*(?P<ex>'
string pip._vendor.distlib.util.IDENT = r'(\w|[.-])+'
tuple pip._vendor.distlib.util.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
tuple pip._vendor.distlib.util.NAME_VERSION_RE
Initial value:
1 = re.compile(r'(?P<name>[\w .-]+)\s*'
2  r'\(\s*(?P<ver>[^\s)]+)\)
tuple pip._vendor.distlib.util.PROJECT_NAME_AND_VERSION
Initial value:
1 = re.compile('([a-z0-9_]+([.-][a-z_][a-z0-9_]*)*)-'
2  '([a-z0-9_.+-]+)', re.I)
tuple pip._vendor.distlib.util.PYTHON_VERSION = re.compile(r'-py(\d\.?\d?)')
string pip._vendor.distlib.util.RELOP = '([<>=!~]=)|[<>]'
string pip._vendor.distlib.util.RELOP_IDENT = '(?P<op>'
tuple pip._vendor.distlib.util.RELOP_IDENT_RE = re.compile(RELOP_IDENT)
tuple pip._vendor.distlib.util.REQUIREMENT
Initial value:
1 = ('(?P<dn>' + IDENT + r')\s*(' + EXTRAS + r'\s*)?(\s*' +
2  CONSTRAINTS + ')?$')
tuple pip._vendor.distlib.util.REQUIREMENT_RE = re.compile(REQUIREMENT)
tuple pip._vendor.distlib.util.RICH_GLOB = re.compile(r'\{([^}]*)\}')
tuple pip._vendor.distlib.util.UNITS = ('', 'K', 'M', 'G','T','P')
string pip._vendor.distlib.util.VERSPEC = IDENT+r'\*?'

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