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pip._vendor.html5lib.treewalkers Namespace Reference


namespace  _base
namespace  dom
namespace  etree
namespace  genshistream
namespace  lxmletree
namespace  pulldom


def getTreeWalker


dictionary treeWalkerCache = {}

Detailed Description

A collection of modules for iterating through different kinds of
tree, generating tokens identical to those produced by the tokenizer

To create a tree walker for a new type of tree, you need to do
implement a tree walker object (called TreeWalker by convention) that
implements a 'serialize' method taking a tree as sole argument and
returning an iterator generating tokens.

Function Documentation

def pip._vendor.html5lib.treewalkers.getTreeWalker (   treeType,
  implementation = None,
Get a TreeWalker class for various types of tree with built-in support

treeType - the name of the tree type required (case-insensitive). Supported
           values are:

            "dom" - The xml.dom.minidom DOM implementation
            "pulldom" - The xml.dom.pulldom event stream
            "etree" - A generic walker for tree implementations exposing an
                      elementtree-like interface (known to work with
                      ElementTree, cElementTree and lxml.etree).
            "lxml" - Optimized walker for lxml.etree
            "genshi" - a Genshi stream

implementation - (Currently applies to the "etree" tree type only). A module
                  implementing the tree type e.g. xml.etree.ElementTree or

Variable Documentation

dictionary pip._vendor.html5lib.treewalkers.treeWalkerCache = {}

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