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setuptools.package_index Namespace Reference


tuple EGG_FRAGMENT = re.compile(r'^egg=([-A-Za-z0-9_.]+)$')
tuple HREF

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PyPI and direct package downloading

Variable Documentation

tuple setuptools.package_index.EGG_FRAGMENT = re.compile(r'^egg=([-A-Za-z0-9_.]+)$')
tuple setuptools.package_index.HREF
Initial value:
1 = re.compile("""href\\s*=\\s*['"]?([^'"> ]+)""", re.I)
2 # this is here to fix emacs' cruddy broken syntax highlighting
3 PYPI_MD5 = re.compile(
4  '<a href="([^"#]+)">([^<]+)</a>\n\s+\\(<a (?:title="MD5 hash"\n\s+)' 'href="[^?]+\?:action=show_md5&amp;digest=([0-9a-f]{32})">md5</a>\\)')URL_SCHEME = re.compile('([-+.a-z0-9]{2,}):',re.I).matchEXTENSIONS = ".tar.gz .tar.bz2 .tar .zip .tgz".split()__all__ = [ 'PackageIndex', 'distros_for_url', 'parse_bdist_wininst', 'interpret_distro_name',]_SOCKET_TIMEOUT = 15def parse_bdist_wininst(name): """Return (base,pyversion) or (None,None) for possible .exe name""" lower = name.lower() base, py_ver, plat = None, None, None if lower.endswith('.exe'): if lower.endswith('.win32.exe'): base = name[:-10] plat = 'win32' elif lower.startswith('.win32-py',-16): py_ver = name[-7:-4] base = name[:-16] plat = 'win32' elif lower.endswith('.win-amd64.exe'): base = name[:-14] plat = 'win-amd64' elif lower.startswith('.win-amd64-py',-20): py_ver = name[-7:-4] base = name[:-20] plat = 'win-amd64' return base,py_ver,platdef egg_info_for_url(url): scheme, server, path, parameters, query, fragment = urlparse(url) base = unquote(path.split('/')[-1]) if server=='sourceforge.net' and base=='download': # XXX Yuck base = unquote(path.split('/')[-2]) if '#' in base: base, fragment = base.split('#',1) return base,fragmentdef distros_for_url(url, metadata=None): """Yield egg or source distribution objects that might be found at a URL""" base, fragment = egg_info_for_url(url) for dist in distros_for_location(url, base, metadata): yield dist if fragment: match = EGG_FRAGMENT.match(fragment) if match: for dist in interpret_distro_name( url, match.group(1), metadata, precedence = CHECKOUT_DIST ): yield distdef distros_for_location(location, basename, metadata=None): """Yield egg or source distribution objects based on basename""" if basename.endswith('.egg.zip'): basename = basename[:-4] # strip the .zip if basename.endswith('.egg') and '-' in basename: # only one, unambiguous interpretation return [Distribution.from_location(location, basename, metadata)] if basename.endswith('.exe'): win_base, py_ver, platform = parse_bdist_wininst(basename) if win_base is not None: return interpret_distro_name( location, win_base, metadata, py_ver, BINARY_DIST, platform ) # Try source distro extensions (.zip, .tgz, etc.) # for ext in EXTENSIONS: if basename.endswith(ext): basename = basename[:-len(ext)] return interpret_distro_name(location, basename, metadata) return [] # no extension matcheddef distros_for_filename(filename, metadata=None): """Yield possible egg or source distribution objects based on a filename""" return distros_for_location( normalize_path(filename), os.path.basename(filename), metadata )def interpret_distro_name( location, basename, metadata, py_version=None, precedence=SOURCE_DIST, platform=None ): """Generate alternative interpretations of a source distro name
6  Note: if `location` is a filesystem filename, you should call
7  ``pkg_resources.normalize_path()`` on it before passing it to this
8  routine!
9  """ # Generate alternative interpretations of a source distro name # Because some packages are ambiguous as to name/versions split # e.g. "adns-python-1.1.0", "egenix-mx-commercial", etc. # So, we generate each possible interepretation (e.g. "adns, python-1.1.0" # "adns-python, 1.1.0", and "adns-python-1.1.0, no version"). In practice, # the spurious interpretations should be ignored, because in the event # there's also an "adns" package, the spurious "python-1.1.0" version will # compare lower than any numeric version number, and is therefore unlikely # to match a request for it. It's still a potential problem, though, and # in the long run PyPI and the distutils should go for "safe" names and # versions in distribution archive names (sdist and bdist). parts = basename.split('-') if not py_version: for i,p in enumerate(parts[2:]): if len(p)==5 and p.startswith('py2.'): return # It's a bdist_dumb, not an sdist -- bail out for p in range(1,len(parts)+1): yield Distribution( location, metadata, '-'.join(parts[:p]), '-'.join(parts[p:]), py_version=py_version, precedence = precedence, platform = platform )# From Python 2.7 docsdef unique_everseen(iterable, key=None): "List unique elements, preserving order. Remember all elements ever seen." # unique_everseen('AAAABBBCCDAABBB') --> A B C D # unique_everseen('ABBCcAD', str.lower) --> A B C D seen = set() seen_add = seen.add if key is None: for element in filterfalse(seen.__contains__, iterable): seen_add(element) yield element else: for element in iterable: k = key(element) if k not in seen: seen_add(k) yield elementdef unique_values(func): """
10  Wrap a function returning an iterable such that the resulting iterable
11  only ever yields unique items.
12  """ @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): return unique_everseen(func(*args, **kwargs)) return wrapperREL = re.compile("""<([^>]*\srel\s*=\s*['"]?([^'">]+)[^>]*)

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