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setuptools.tests.test_easy_install Namespace Reference


class  FakeDist
class  TestEasyInstallTest
class  TestPTHFileWriter
class  TestUserInstallTest
class  TestSetupRequires


def create_setup_requires_package
def make_trivial_sdist
def tempdir_context
def environment_context
def argv_context
def reset_setup_stop_context
def quiet_context


string WANTED
string SETUP_PY

Detailed Description

Easy install Tests

Function Documentation

def setuptools.tests.test_easy_install.argv_context (   repl)
def setuptools.tests.test_easy_install.create_setup_requires_package (   path)
Creates a source tree under path for a trivial test package that has a
single requirement in setup_requires--a tarball for that requirement is
also created and added to the dependency_links argument.
def setuptools.tests.test_easy_install.environment_context (   updates)
def setuptools.tests.test_easy_install.make_trivial_sdist (   dist_path,
Create a simple sdist tarball at dist_path, containing just a
setup.py, the contents of which are provided by the setup_py string.
def setuptools.tests.test_easy_install.quiet_context ( )
Redirect stdout/stderr to StringIO objects to prevent console output from
distutils commands.
def setuptools.tests.test_easy_install.reset_setup_stop_context ( )
When the setuptools tests are run using setup.py test, and then
one wants to invoke another setup() command (such as easy_install)
within those tests, it's necessary to reset the global variable
in distutils.core so that the setup() command will run naturally.
def setuptools.tests.test_easy_install.tempdir_context (   cd = lambda dir:None)

Variable Documentation

string setuptools.tests.test_easy_install.SETUP_PY
Initial value:
1 = """\
2 from setuptools import setup
4 setup(name='foo')
5 """
string setuptools.tests.test_easy_install.WANTED
Initial value:
1 = """\
2 #!%s
3 # EASY-INSTALL-ENTRY-SCRIPT: 'spec','console_scripts','name'
4 __requires__ = 'spec'
5 import sys
6 from pkg_resources import load_entry_point
8 if __name__ == '__main__':
9  sys.exit(
10  load_entry_point('spec', 'console_scripts', 'name')()
11  )
12 """

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